Thursday, July 19, 2012

The Top 5 Reasons Why Chocolate is Good For You

Did you know that dark chocolate can be healthy for you? Chocolate unanimously gets a bad rap as a diet buster, and one look at any chocolate bar label will tell you why. But chocolate has amazing benefits if you limit your intake to a few ounces per week, go for dark chocolate (the higher cocoa content packs in much more health benefits), and eat less-processed bars (so not the Kit Kats and Snickers!) Chocolate has so many health benefits is that it is rich in flavonoids, which are naturally occurring substances found in plants that are antiocidant rich.

So here are the top 5 reasons why you should be eating chocolate!

I don't really need to convince you to eat me, do I?

1. Improve your vision. Researchers from the University of Reading in England found that people performed better on vision tests after eating the dark chocolate. This is because the flavanols in dark chocolate help boost blood flow to the brain and the retina.

2. Prevent cancer. Studies have shown that people who eat many flavonoids and antioxidant-rich foods develop fewer cancers than those who don’t eat them. There are many flavonoids in chocolate, but the two most prominent cancer-fighters epicatechin and quercetin.

3. Raise good cholesterol. Dark chocolate is also being studies for its cholesterol-lowering properties. Cocoa butter in chocolate contains oleic acid, which is a monounsaturated fat - the same fat found in olive oil. Studies show that monounsaturated fat helps to raise good cholesterol.

4. Be happier. Fatty acids can boost your mood, and dark chocolate contains two saturated fatty acids, palmitic and stearic acids. Studies have found that chocolate can make you feel happier and improve your mood, even over other foods containing fatty acids. The current thinking on this is that chocolate stimulates the neural activity in the regions of the brain associated with pleasure.

5. Live longer. Studies have found a link between eating dark chocolate and living longer. While more research needs to be done on this, it's safe to say that with chocolate's cancer-fighting, stroke risk-reducing, heart disease-preventing, blood pressure-lowering advantages and more, chocolate can definitely help you extend your life.

Look for bars like me...dark and unprocessed!

So don't be afraid to indulge!

Sunday, July 15, 2012

The Best (And Easiest) Superfoods for Weight Loss

Eating superfoods can make losing weight easy and a lot more enjoyable! But a lot of them are strange and expensive and generally not suited to the tastes, budgets, and lifestyles of anyone other than a health nut. So here is my list of the top superfoods for college students and fitness beginners to eat:

Apples have antioxidants that can help you cut down on belly fat. Also, studies have found that people who snack on apples before meals eat less than with any other snack!

Eggs are known for being bad for diets, but the opposite is true. Their protein will keep you full and kill your appetite. Go for egg whites when possible, but don't be scared of the yolk!

Salmon is another superfood that controls insulin with its omega-3 fatty acids. Stock up and try it on the grill, baked with vegestables, or even make burgers with it.

Blueberries may be the best type of berry to eat, with the highest antioxidant content and over 3.5g of fibre in a cup.

Small but powerful!

Chiles are one of the most flavourful (and hot!) ways to trim down! Chiles contain capsaicin which instantly revs up your metabolism and causes you to burn extra calories for 20 minutes after you eat it, studies show. Try finding ways to add fresh chiles to your dishes to get the most out of them.

I burn calories and your tongue.

Avacados are known to be high in fat, but also to be extremely healthy. Both are true! The key is that avacadoes contain monounsaturated fat which is good for your heart and also helps you feel fuller longer. Do watch your portions though. Use avacadoes as a spread on sandwiches or make a healthy guacamole to use as a dip.

Olive oil is just like avacado in that it contains healthy fat that keep you feeling ful.. It should be your staple oil if it isn't already. The easiest way to get your fix is simply to cook with it! Also drizzle salads with it for extra benefit.

I'll keep you from reaching for a snack later!

Brown rice is extremely filling yet low in calories. Ditch white rice for it whenever possible to easily slim down. It also contains a special type of starch named resistant starch which is a metabolism booster and fat burner.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Healthy Snacks: How to Choose a Nutritious Granola Bar for Weight Loss

Granola bars are one of my favourite healthy snacks, especially to help lose weight. Nutritious, portable, and most importantly, delicious! They are a great energy snack, especially for students who need a boost to study. With so many choices, though, it's a little confusing.

Yummy, but healthy?

Here are a few tips for choosing the healthiest granola bar:

Choose whole grains: Any granola bar you choose should have whole grains such as oats as the first ingredient - not sugar or anything else. Studies show the people who choose more whole grains lose weight more.

Look for fibre: Whole grain bars should automatically have at least 3 grams of fibre per bar. Fibre is important for limiting the impacts of sugar and starch on blood glucose, which is something most students get more than enough of. So lok for as much fibre as possible in your bars!

Go low on sugar: Every 4 grams of sugar is 1 teaspoon of sugar! I like to keep my granola bards under 8g of sugar. The less the better, but you want to find the right balance of health and nutrition for yourself!

Be wary of trans fats: Companies don't have to report trans fats in their products if there is less than 0.5g of trans fats. So make sure to always read the ingredient list and make sure there are no "partitally hydrogenated oils" in the list - this means trans fat. Be especially wary of bars that have chocolate chips or yogurt/chocolate covering.

Go organic: Take a trip down your organic aisle, especially to check out any sales on granola bars to fit these into your budget. I always prefer fewer ingredients that are recognizable when possible. But remember - organic doesn't necessarily mean healthy. Read the nutrition information, as always!

Happy snacking and good luck choosing a granola bar to aid in your weight loss!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

Simple Tips For Eating Out

Dining out seems to be something I can't avoid between constant invitations from friends, cousins, family, and colleagues. Everyone loves eating at restaurants, but it can be difficult to navigate eating healthy while surfing menus of various restaurants. So here's a list of simple tips for dining out:

1.       Research ahead, when possible. If you know where you're going, look it up ahead of time and try to get nutritional information so you can pick the healthiest dishes on the menu.

Go online for nutrition facts!

2.       Be aware of portions. Ever notice how huge the portions are at restaurants? Offer to split entrées and appetizers with your friends and family. Ask for a small plate and put your food on that so you can see your  portion clearly.

3.       Analyze how food is prepared. How food is cooked is the most important aspect. Avoid fried and breaded – instead, look for foods that are grilled, steamed, baked, stir-fried, or roasted.

Yummy, and healthily prepared!

4.       Eat vegetables! Vegetables are a sure-fire way to get needed nutrients and lower the calories in your meal. Whenever you can, get vegetable side dishes instead of fries or baked potatoes, especially if your entrée is carb-rich.

5.       Be wary of condiments. Yummy condiments and toppings like cheese, sour cream, and creamy gravies and sauces can quickly blow the calorie and fat count of your meal into the stratosphere. Avoid and lessen them when possible – and even better, get them on the side so you can control how much is on your meal.

We're out to get you!

6.       Drink water, milk, and fruit juice. Avoid sugary sodas, alcohol, hot chocolate, etc. which are often empty calories.